Friday, November 12, 2010


胡志強用我們的錢印了好多漂亮的文宣, 紙質和印刷都是上上之選, 都由台中縣市政府署名及付費. 他們又出高招請美國前總統 Bill Clinton 在選舉前來台替他們造勢 (see below). 

我們沒有黨產, 沒有軍警情特, 沒有檢調, 只有選票.
請打電話給可能投中國國民黨的親友. 要他們在台灣人面臨被消滅的這一刻, 出來用選票自救. 

Taipei Times: Activists urge Clinton to be ‘neutral’

Sixteen Taiwanese-American organizations urged former US president Bill Clinton in a letter to be “scrupulously neutral” politically when he visits Taipei this weekend.
The signatories fear that Clinton, who will be in Taiwan making a paid speech on Sunday, could be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration.
“Many topics, such as the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement [ECFA], have turned into sensitive campaign issues,” the letter said, in reference to the hotly contested Nov. 27 special municipality elections.
The Ma administration, it said, has frequently used foreign visitors to give the impression that its policies of accommodation with China have “reduced tension” across the Taiwan Strait.
“In our view, this is a flawed and superficial argument,” it said. “China lessened its threats only because the Ma administration has made Taiwan subservient. In fact, the number of missiles China targets at Taiwan has increased.”
It will be Clinton’s first visit to Taiwan since February 2005, when he charged NT$8 million (US$258,000) to make a speech. On that occasion, tickets to attend a book-signing event for his autobiography, My Life, were NT$10,000.
The letter warned Clinton that the Ma administration has “drifted in China’s direction” at the expense of freedom and human rights, adding that he should speak out openly and forcefully for Taiwan’s democracy during his visit.
“We are apprehensive that unwittingly your visit may be used by the Ma administration to score political points,” it said. “If a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou is entertained, we hope you will also grant an audience to Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen [蔡英文] of the Democratic Progressive Party.”
The letter reminded Clinton that in February 2000 he declared that the issues between Beijing and Taiwan “must be resolved peacefully and with the assent of the people of Taiwan” and implored him to repeat this statement.
Among the letter’s signatories were Terri Giles, executive director of the Formosa Foundation; Linda Lin (林純容), president of the Formosan Association for Human Rights; Bob Yang (楊英育), president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs; and James Chen (陳少明), chairman of World United Formosans for Independence-USA.
Clinton’s visit comes after unsuccessful attempts by former US president George W. Bush and former House speaker Newt Gingrich to visit Taiwan earlier this year.
The Taipei Times has learned that Bush had initially intended to visit Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei, but after his office in Dallas, Texas, allegedly received multiple protests from Chinese officials, the former president’s office said Bush could skip Shanghai and Hong Kong altogether and visit only Taiwan.
Chinese officials then allegedly changed their strategy and shifted the pressure onto Taipei, whereupon the latter allegedly asked Bush to reconsider the timing of his visit, in reference to the Nov. 27 elections.
According to a source, Bush’s visit would not have received any funding from the Taiwanese government.
The Taipei Times has also learned that Gingrich’s visit, which would have been sponsored by a private firm, was initially planned for between June and August, and that the former speaker could not come to Taiwan any later than September, given the midterm elections in the US earlier this month.
After a series of delays, organizers allegedly appealed to the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Presidential Office, but approval for the visit was received four months later, by which time Gingrich could no longer visit Taiwan.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

使英文成為台灣人生活的一部份 / Make English a part of Taiwanese' lives II

請你幫我一個忙.  也許兩個.

首先, 看下面這段英文.
I am schizophrenic.   I am on a mission that is considered quixotic by most.
如果裏面有不完全懂的地方, 請你或者留言或者給我email, 告訴我你通常會怎麼做:
  1. 不懂就算, 或
  2. 用什麼方法來知道你不認識的字的意義或發音, 比如查字典...
如果是 2, 請告訴我你用什麼辦法.

如果你能把這網頁介紹給別人, 你是我的天使.
If you could share this page with others, you are my angel.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

使英文成為台灣人生活的一部份 / Make English a part of Taiwanese' lives

我希望英文成為台灣人生活的一部份.   為了達到這個目標, 我成立了一個谷歌群組  使英文成為台灣人生活的一部份 / Make English part of a Taiwanese' life.  我希望對英語文感興趣的台灣人肯花幾秒鐘的時間來加人群組, 參與我們的討論. 也請大家告訴大家. 

要參加,只湏在下頭填寫你的email, 然後用滑鼠點一下加入.
你會很快地接到谷歌的信, 要你証實你確有興趣加入.  你只須回信.

Make English part of a Taiwanese' life

Google group

請寫下你的 email,  然後用滑鼠點一下加入.:

Monday, November 1, 2010

我對胡志強的兩個女孩 陈珮涵, 陈珮奇的感想

陈珮涵和她双胞胎姐姐陈珮奇在電視上哭得很傷心, 説她們被說成伴遊中國人很難聽.  請大家先看看下面這個中國當事人的網頁.

... 揭秘...台妹每晚的夜生活,... 公司为了让报道更生动,还给我配备了双胞胎台妹一名。... 我们的兄弟网站PCPOP占用另外一名。
陈珮涵以及他的姐姐陈珮奇,双胞胎姐妹呦!两位台湾小姑娘(妹妹特意强调,不要叫她们台妹,因为在台湾,台妹是比较土的称谓)都是大四学生,兼职做showgirl  ...
我要問 陈珮涵, 陈珮奇幾個問題:
  • 妳們對伴遊兩字這麼敏感, 卻對這個中國人的輕浮欣然接受.  為什麼?
  • 胡志強市長説妳們是所有人的女孩 (Hu's girl is everybody's girl).  妳們覺得怎麼樣?
  • 我很高興妳們表達對胡志強競選市長的的支持.  請妳説明胡志強為什麼能做一個好市長.  這比妳們拍美麗的歌舞片有意義.  妳應該讓我們相信胡志強會公布翁奇楠影帶,  會停止對台中這塊土地的破壞 (水和空氣的極度污染, 綠地地快速消失, 色情, 犯罪, 無處不在的大便味...).
  • 事實巳經証明 台灣有些人是法律碰不得的.  只舉三個例子: 馬英九, 郝龍斌, 胡志強.  在這情形下還支持胡志強不是明顯地支持暴政嗎? 為什麼台灣有那麼多人公開地支持暴政?