Monday, August 13, 2012

「濁水溪自行車道設計賽」的一些連想 II
What makes a bike path great?

什麼因素使一個自行車道比別的自行車道優秀?  什麼樣的自行車道(或行人步道)是較好的?  What makes a bike path good?  What makes it better than others?

There are many considerations that affect how I decide to ride in one path instead of another.  In this short post,  I talk bout the desirability of exclusivity (禁行車輛), fragrance (香), and beautiful scenery (風景美麗).  I hope to follow up with other elements that make bike paths great, such as conveniences and safety.

In the following, underneath each picture (along a bike path) is a link that shows the picture's location with a Google map.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


  • 如果台塑六輕的煙囪繼續在雲林麥寮污染空氣, 政府有義務教導人民不在雲林附近活動, 包括不到濁水溪自行車道上呼吸不乾淨的空氣.  所以,  濁水溪自行車道 對人民健康有益的第一條件是台塑六輕的煙囪必須停止排氣.
  • 同理, 為了不傷害自行車道使用者的健康, 台灣人應停止咨意焚燒物件的習慣, 例如隨意焚燒收成後的田園, 燒垃圾, 燒輪胎等.
Imagine a slightly more dramatic「麥寮自行車道設計賽」或 [車諾比自行車道設計賽].    I think 麥寮自行車道 will be as empty as 麥寮的長庚醫院: 空無一人, as the following picture shows.

到麥寮自行車道, 是要鍛鍊身體, 享受人生, 還是找死?



聯合新聞網‎ - 6 hours ago
喜馬拉雅自然文明保護協會邀請亞洲各國大專青年組隊參加國際青年創意大賽,主題為「守護母親河:濁水溪自行車道設計」,為揚塵嚴重的雲林北部5 ...