Wednesday, October 20, 2010


每次走過 逢甲公園

View 逢甲公園 in a larger map

就想替使用輪椅的人打抱不平.  憑什麼市政府可以在公園設路障使輪椅進不去?

坐輪椅的人不能使用公園嗎?  讓使用輪椅的人無法進入公園合法嗎?  文明人可以這麼公然地, 這麼不公平地對待使用輪椅的人嗎?

Friday, October 15, 2010

厭惡民主 新鮮空氣和清水 III


"大便加毒氣,  簡直沒法呼吸"  我説.
"習慣就好了" 一個好心的婆婆安慰我.
"那有什麼味道? 你鼻子太靈了" 一個學生稱讚我的鼻子.


I found the following while doing Google search:
  1. An writeup of Taichung:


    Taichung has the highest crime rate of all the major cities of Taiwan. Kidnapping, sexual assault, prostitution, illegal gambling, organized crime and burglary are of major concerns for local inhabitants. Much of the crime is ignored by the local police authorities.

    Air Pollution

    Air pollution in Taichung is one of the most obvious problems for residents. Taichung is the third largest city and like many other Taiwanese cities, notorious for the poor air quality. Taichung is on a coastal plain surrounded by mountains, which trap pollutants. The primary cause of urban air pollution is the large number of vehicles (mostly motorbikes and scooters) used by residents. There are more than 11 million scooters in Taiwan and the per capita distribution in Taichung is much higher because of the lack of public transportation available.

    Despite the rhetoric by both the elected and appointed government the EPA has failed in its attempts to solve the motorbike problem. In July 1999 the EPA began issuing monetary rewards to residents who report cars and motorbikes that emit unusual amounts of dark exhaust but the program never made it past the pilot program. The agency also made poor use of subsidies intended to encourage the purchase of fuel efficient and low-emission vehicles. Motor vehicles are subject to air pollution control (APC) fees levied by the EPA. These fees also are applied to larger emitters like factories. The government credits the APC system with helping to reduce the number of days when the country's pollution standard index score exceeded 100 from 7% of days in 1994 to 3% of days in 2001. However the cultural norm encouraging creative accounting and the general lack of accountability in Taiwan makes official statistics highly suspect.

    Water Pollution

    Under no circumstances should untreated tap water be used for human consumption. Despite the affluence of the local inhabitants, water pollution is considered a significant threat to the health of Taichung's people as well as to the economy. Agricultural run-off, coastal aquaculture, industrial effluents, and domestic sewage are responsible for the pollution of coastal areas, surface water and ground water in Taichung. Water pollution is most severe in areas with a high concentration of industrial activity such as the Taichung industrial park and surrounding areas. Much of the fault lies with Taiwan's inadequate sewer system, which covers only 10% of the country as well as the inability of both local and regional governing authorities to enforce existing regulations.

    The government of the Republic of China on Taiwan has been reluctant to address the problem of water pollution for fear of retribution from local businesses. There has been much discussion on the matter but little to no effective measures or action has been taken. The central government has placed numerous rivers under government supervision and established river and stream water quality sampling stations as of 2001. Businesses are officially required to meet a set of standards for effluent discharge, and a water pollution control fee was due to start being collected by the end of 2003 but has yet to been fully implemented. Lack of oversight and rampant corruption have made any efforts to combat widespread pollution in Taichung ineffectual.
  2. kaminoge's LiveJournal has this to say about a Taichung's community:
    The narrow streets of Tunghai were a mad jumble of stores, signs, people, cars, scooters, odors, power lines and noise - in other words, a typical Taiwanese street scene.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

摔車臥軌兩分半 無人搭理騎士輾斃


一個對 新生高/花博弊案 視若無睹的人
會在其他場合 展現人性

摔車臥軌兩分半 無人搭理騎士輾斃

更新日期:2010/10/08 19:16 何宜信
屏東縣一名機車行老闆,深夜回家時,經過鐵路平交道,疑似因為視線不良,撞上柵欄,人躺在鐵軌上,無法動彈足足2 分半鐘的時間,其間共有3部機車、3輛轎車經過,竟然都沒人伸出援手,結果這名男子竟然活活被火車撞死,男子父親無奈地表示,要是其他的人可以出手幫忙, 他的兒子也許還能活著,這個社會的冷漠也讓人心寒。
換 到鐵軌另一邊,同樣有機車看到立刻轉身,而後面緊接2輛轎車,也是沒有任何動作,眼睜睜看著鐵軌遠方,出現一道強光,然後悲劇發生,直到整列火車停下,列 車長才趕緊用無線電報警處理,而從機車出事到火車撞上,中間近2分半時間,共有3部機車、3輛轎車看到,卻都見死不救。

Thursday, October 7, 2010

厭惡民主 新鮮空氣和清水 II

台中人即使不愛清水 不愛活魚

溪裏的魚都死翹翹 又有什麼關係?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

厭惡民主 新鮮空氣和清水

官員拍桌喝斥議員 台灣民主制度破產?
By 蘇智裕
台灣英文新聞 記者


自由電子報- 本報民調胡志強36% 蘇嘉全29%

2010年6月9日 ... 在支持度的變化上,TVBS電視台在今年五月二十五日民調結果顯示,胡志強以五成七的支持度大幅領先蘇嘉全的二成六。聯合報在台中角頭遭槍擊以及驚爆 ...
只要中國國民黨繼續執政, 翁奇楠案是不可能破的.
面對翁奇楠案檢警調及市府只能操弄媒體, 散佈不實的消息, 編造故事, 來愚弄人民.
就像 馬英九叛國案, 李慶安雙重國籍案, 貓纜案, 新生高案, 花博案,  檢警調連做戲作作樣子都覺得沒必要.

張宏年受賄電玩案 二審無罪

Simply put, 馬英九把公款存進私人帳戶被判無罪這件史實 is this:
同一個法官蔡守訓  引用一千年前中國宋朝的法律 判把公款存進私人帳戶的馬英九無罪,  卻寫了三公斤的判決書, 在甚至沒有一個盎斯的罪証下判陳水扁無期徒刑 (扁案判決書長達1,400多頁 重約3公斤).   到今天, 陳水扁在尚未定罪前己經坐了 656 天牢.
我每次想到蔡守訓, 就想到拍 Deep Throat 的 Linda Lovelace. It is possible that 蔡守訓 will never regret for being openly unjust as a judge; for handing out not guilty verdict to 馬英九 and life sentence to 陳水扁 in two very similar cases.  但如果他, 像 Linda Lovelace, 後悔了呢? 如果他的子孫認為蔡守訓在歷史上留下一個最荒謬, 最不公正的法官的惡名使他們感到可恥? 如果台灣人有一天能對他進行紐倫堡大審, 要他為他的判決負責?

台灣要變成一個法治的國家, 我們需要一個類似紐倫堡大審的機制來檢討今天多少領着高薪, 負着維護社會正義的重責的所謂執法人員, 像蔡守訓, 如何毫不忌諱地, 公然地, 迫害社會正義.

See also Chinese KMT 張宏年 胡志強 貪汙: 判決無罪

為什麼在報導這麼荒謬的司法判決時,  記者會不提法官的名字?

張宏年受賄電玩案 二審無罪





